I asked for a couple of repeat prescriptions at the medical centre earlier this week and was told to collect them today. One was for various tablets [and my Doublebase gel] and the other for a couple of the 'third edition' stockings.
I went along to collect the prescriptions this afternoon.
I live three miles away from the medical centre and there is usually some hassle when it comes to parking but today [it being Thursday] it was fine.
I went into the medical centre and the receptionist fished out the prescriptions.
"Oh, the doctor's not signed this one ... ah, he wants to know why you're taking Prednisolone."
[I've been on Prednisolone for over a year now since I had chemotherapy.]
I replied, in a rather resigned fashion, "They're for my prostate cancer ...". I wanted to add "... which he would have realised if he had read my notes ...". I actually added " ... I dare say that will be mentioned in my notes ..."
The receptionist apologised and said she wouldn't be able to get the prescription signed until later in the day ... or I could come back tomorrow. "You've got enough tablets for tonight have you ?"
I believe I have.
She handed me the other [signed] prescription for the stocking. There was '1 item' mentioned in the prescription. I thought 'here we go again' ... "I actually asked the doctor in the note that I handed in yesterday if I could have two more stockings because that's what the Lymphoedema Service have suggested".
The receptionist apologised again and said she'd have to have a word with him ...
So I came away without either prescription.
Now, as you know, I have been full of nothing but praise for the National Health Service and all the medical people I have seen during the past 752 days [except for the two people who carried out a bone scan right at the beginning].
However, I felt disappointed in the doctor this afternoon.
All he had to do was to [1] look through the notes; [2] phone me; or [3] get one of his staff to phone me ... then he would have known what I wanted the Prednisolone for ... [though I would have thought it might have been highlighted somewhere on my notes].
As for the prescription for the stocking I assume he hadn't read my note or, if he had, he should have explained why he wouldn't or couldn't supply two stockings.
We might just be patients but we should be treated with respect.
What really put a cap on the afternoon was the fact that Costa's 'Buy One Get One Free' offer which I thought I'd take advantage of ... isn't until next Wednesday ! Still I tried their praline and cream latte and the afternoon felt just a little better ...