Benjamin was ten when I took him up to explore a Forestry Commission wood near where I used to live until I was about his age.
The wood is named as Bown Piece and it's only in the last year or two that walkers have been able to explore this wood ... open access and all that.
It's hard to describe a walk like this because although there are some paths on the ground they're often not marked on a map ...

Half the fun is just following your nose knowing that you can't get lost in a small wood like this ... can you ...
Find a branch that's the right height and smooth enough and you can sit and have a chat about life and both learn something ...

We reached the corner of the Five Fields and I looked across to the spot where Benjamin's great grandfather died 50 years ago. Was it the right time to tell him something of that death. I decided not ...

... not today.
I suppose these trees were growing up as I grew up nearby though some of them have probably been around longer than me ...

Then we got lost ... a bit ...

Before we knew it we'd found the path which led us back to the car.

What I couldn't understand was why the path was so distinctive in places and in other places it just didn't exist.
This walk was followed on the 29th January 2011
Length of walk ~ 0.96 miles *
Total mileage walked so far in 2011 ~ 32.63 miles
Total mileage between the 1st September 2009 and the 29th January 2011 ~ 561.68 miles
10 of 2011
* distance calculated on Ordnance Survey's Getamap