My great great great uncle John Bayliff Bowman lived at Summer Hill, near Monyash in the County of Derby.
The Bowman family, who were Quakers, had three farms, One Ash Grange [which John Bayliff Bowman often referred to as O.A.], Cales and Summer Hill [which he usually referred to as S.Hill or S.H.]
John Bayliff Bowman is fourth from the left in the photo below ...
The Bowman family, who were Quakers, had three farms, One Ash Grange [which John Bayliff Bowman often referred to as O.A.], Cales and Summer Hill [which he usually referred to as S.Hill or S.H.]
John Bayliff Bowman is fourth from the left in the photo below ...
A Farm Journal continues :~
5 Mo[nth] 1 Very fine time dry Eastwinds very cold with hot sun - lost 7 ewes with blackening etc 3 hogs
2 day 3 Showery day - self with John Hodg[so]n [or Hodgkinson] & H[enr]y Pursglove drove to Lindhurst etc for beasts - off next morning as far as Alfreton for night self to Heanor in aft[ernoo]n M[onthly] Meeting]
5 - 6 Showery day
6 - 7 Ditto Working Pewet Knobs
7 - 8 Ditto cold N.E. Wind - walling etc. Sold 7 fat pigs £3 10/- each - pastures pretty good cows all out
1 - 9 Fine
2 - 10 Fine & warm B[akewe]ll market things very dear
3 - 11 Fine but cold E wind Frosty nights sow[e]d swedes S.H.
4 - 12 Ditto weather
5 - 13 Ditto sow[e]d swedes Cales
6 - 14 Ditto fallow[in]g lime in for mear [sic] etc
7 - 15 Cold dry E Wind very [next word indecipherable] week grass goes fast Tideswell Fair bo[ugh]t 4 cows - better to buy