Sunday 27 October 2013

A Farm Journal ~ from the 27th to the 31st March 1870

My great great great uncle John Bayliff Bowman lived at Summer Hill, near Monyash in the County of Derby, until the end of January 1870 when he moved to Sandycroft Farm, Queensferry, Flintshire.

The Bowman family, who were Quakers, had rented three farms, One Ash Grange [which John Bayliff Bowman often referred to as O.A.], Cales and Summer Hill [which he usually referred to as S.Hill or S.H.]

John Bayliff Bowman is fourth from the left in the photo below ...

The Bowman family

 A Farm Journal continues :~
1 - 27 Fine day Dearman Cloak [?] here to dine  - self in aft[ernoo]n to his home to tea & on to M[an]chester 7pm all well
2 - 28 Fine & frosty - self on to Longstone & Ashford found Father much better - on to B[akewe]ll mark[e]t full of cattle but dear Co[u]s[in] H[enr]y there buying for S.H. dined at Jos[eph] & on with W[illia]m to Middleton had tea & looked round - & on to O.A. at night - all well
3 - 29 Fine & frosty - looked ab[ou]t O.A. Eben[ezer] to M[an]chester - self round Monyash & S.H. & to Ashford
4 - 30 Fine Self & Co[u]s[in] E[liza] Gott [on the left in the photograph above] to Sandycroft - all well - to Copt Farm sale of imp[lement]ts good sale - on to Fishers & bo[ugh]t 14 sturks @ 8/15/- & 1 cow £15 - Less £1
5 - 31 Fine the beasts came from Fishers Chester Fair poor show of graziers many milkers of mongrel breeds 


  1. He really enjoys travelling around,obviously a gentleman farmer no ordinary farmer in those days could afford time away as he did.Hope you are feeling a little better Charlie,Ann

    1. He must have been a young gentleman farmer too ~ he was still only in his mid 20s at this time I believe Ann. I'm feeling a little bit better thank you, yes.

  2. Yes, he certainly was getting around a lot!!

    How are things Charlie? Haven't seen an update for a while.

    1. The public transport system was obviously a lot better. I'm feeling ok thank you Mitch. I'm not cured but the pain in my right leg/groin/hip only surfaces when I put weight on it.
