My great great great uncle John Bayliff Bowman lived at Summer Hill, near Monyash in the County of Derby.
The Bowman family, who were Quakers, had three farms, One Ash Grange [which John Bayliff Bowman often referred to as O.A.], Cales and Summer Hill [which he usually referred to as S.Hill or S.H.]
John Bayliff Bowman is fourth from the left in the photo below ...
The Bowman family, who were Quakers, had three farms, One Ash Grange [which John Bayliff Bowman often referred to as O.A.], Cales and Summer Hill [which he usually referred to as S.Hill or S.H.]
John Bayliff Bowman is fourth from the left in the photo below ...
A Farm Journal continues :~
1 - 5 frozen again and slippy
2 - 6 Thaw[in]g but very slippy Co[u]s[in] Eliza to Ashford - B[akewe]ll market things lower
3 - 7 Very dull misty uncomfortable day W[illia]m & I in dale ferret[tin]g lost a ferret
4 - 8 Ditto weather self to John Kirkams & bo[ugh]t a white bull calf then to Cales & broke 2 ton cotton cake for Hogs
5 - 9 Dully & foggy to B[akewe]ll 9am to meet John Kirby of Humberstone Leicester & a young man neighbour Mr. Kendal to look at a lot of barren cows sold him 17 at £13 each del[ive]r[e]d at Syston Station which will cost me about 50/- to do instead of luck - to Middleton aft[ernoo]n to look at Lomberdale Museum but no go - had tea at W[illia]ms & on to B[akewe]ll spring broke & had a jolting ride - left gig at B[akewe]ll to be mend[e]d & rode home
6 - 10 wet finish[e]d cutting swedes off at S. H. & cut & pit[te]d - a few corn turnips sheep to Elm close Groove close & sq[uare] close to bare & eat turnips prior to ploughing
7 - 11 Very wet day
1 - 12 Very frosty morn[in]g & snow[e]d aft[ernoo]n
2 - 13 Very wet aft[ernoo]n B[akewe]ll put Xmas show - bo[ugh]t dole £8. 0. 0. worth
2 - 14 Very wet
4 - 15 Stormy snow aft[ernoo]n took 17 beasts down to B[akewe]ll to truck for Syston for John Kirby of Humberstone - self on to Nott[ingha]m Q[uarterly] M[eeting] at Lincoln
5 - 16 Fine day Q[uarterly] M[eeting] large interesting meet[in]g several friends spoke & I trust to the benefit of the hearers about 60 friends sat down at Spread Eagle to dine - Emily & Maria & I to L[incoln] Minster - to Nott[ingha]m even[in]g W[illia]m Sudderby to J.A.'s