Thursday, 16 August 2012

A Farm Journal ~ from the 1st to the 18th December 1866

My great great great uncle John Bayliff Bowman lived at Summer Hill, near Monyash in the County of Derby.
The Bowman family, who were Quakers, had three farms, One Ash Grange [which John Bayliff Bowman often referred to as O.A.], Cales and Summer Hill [which he usually referred to as S.Hill or S.H.]
"A Farm Journal" continues :~
7 - 1st - 12 Mo[nth] Very rimy frost white - finish[e]d leading swedes home etc - cov[erin]g up - calf dead of speed at S.H. - one at Cales with belly ache - but recov[ere]d - things doing pretty well - cheese 16 in every other day both places - 
1st day 2nd Fine frosty

2 - 3rd Very wet

3rd - d[itt]o

4 - 5 Fair to M[onthly] Meeting] Chesterf[ield]

5 - 6 Fine early then very wet - bro[ther] W[illia]m came aft[ernoo]n - cows lie in

6 - 7 Fine morn[in]g - wet aft[ernoo]n - self with Wm. to Middleton then to Ashford to dine & tea - self & Wm to Longston [sic] to see ab[ou]t letting of a bit of land - Wm to Nott[ingha]m
7 - 8 Fine & frosty

1st 9 to 17 Very showery weather finish[e]d pit[tin]g turnips to Nott[ingha]m & 18 Lincoln Q[uarterly] M[eeting] & home


  1. How does a calf die of speed? Did it's car hit a tree....

    1. I think speed was the common name for a cattle disease ... :-)

    2. Amphetamine overdose River... happened a lot in the sixties when Mod cows went to the seaside on their scooters

    3. Don't encourage her highheavens ...

  2. I was wondering how one leads swedes home, given they have no legs?

    1. Real swedes do of course but turnips and mangeds are led in a wagon ... so, in other words, you lead them. Probably because you led the horse that pulls the wagon.
